Over the Easter holiday, I was in Eldoret, not for anything else but to spent a little time at the feet of Jesus. I attended the National Thanks giving ceremony, organised by his servant, Prophet Dr. Owuor. At the mention of this name, I know you already see me as a Lunatic or rather a brain washed fellow. It is not surprising, you are not the only one who thinks prophet Owuor is a false prophet. There's a sea of people out there, just like you, who cannot stand the mention of the name, Dr. Owuor. A good number of Kenyans who in their knowledge think their spiritual discernment is above board, they behave as if God has given them the authority to determine the true prophets and the false one.
I will not Judge anybody neither will I condemn those who insult prophet Owuor. For I believe in his message, I believe the miracles that God uses him to perform and I believe that he was send to prepare the church for the coming messiah. I will prefer to call him the 'Man of God' for obvious reasons. Seeing the venom on social media and even the main stream media against this revival, am reminded of Christ and what he had to say about being his followers. Christ said, the world will hate those who are associated with him, but his encouragement again was, that we should know that before they hated us, they hated him. So today, you can choose to hate me for all I care, for Christ did not come for peace, he came to turn daughter against mother, brother against uncle, friend against friend.
However, there's a lot of talk that are surrounding this man of God. A man whom I will describe as a humble, God fearing servant, with a zeal to complete the message Christ brought to the world. Now what message did Christ bring to the world? "repent for the kingdom of heaven is near" you can read that in Mathews chapter 5. How similar was that message with that of John the Baptist, for John the baptist came with the same words, "repent for the kingdom of heaven is near" refer to Mathews chapter 3 from verse 2. I do not know about you, but I wonder, somebody who preaches repentance and holiness, whose prophesies have come to pass, who performs miracles and most importantly declares Jesus as the lord and the Christ, and you have the audacity to call him false?
My question to those condemning, this servant of God is, have you ever encountered a true prophet. If so did he come in your village or in your town. Was he riding a donkey or a horse? was he driving a vits or a range rover? Was he black or white? Was he learned or an illiterate? How did he look? And what was his message? Of all this questions, you must remember that the Pharisees were the greatest custodian of the Mosaic law, they were the most educated and learned friends at that time. Yet Moses had written about Jesus, David saw the coming of Jesus, Isaiah and the prophets saw the coming of the Messiah. All this doctrines were in the custody of the Pharisees, but guess what, they rejected Jesus, yet with their knowledge, their righteousness and authority they were better placed to know the messiah than the general public.
But where did they begin from, they rejected the messenger John the Baptist. In fact they called him a mad man who eats wild honey and locust. But the drama did not end there, when Jesus came with his ministry he mingled with everybody including tax collectors, and guess what the Pharisees said, here is a glutton who eats with tax collectors. That is the world, in whatever form, they will hate you, even those with spiritual discernment and knowledge of the bible like Pharisees, they will hate what is right and love what is evil. The same scenario is recurring in the Kenyan church, people love the panda mbegus, the church that is liberal, that accommodates every kind of evil including lately homosexuals but a pure message of repentance and holiness is being demonised first by the media and followed by the Kenyan church.
I don't care whether you believe Dr. Owuor is a true prophet or not but all I care is that you know the truth. The truth is found in John 3: 2 Nicodemus said, Rabbi we know you are from God, for no one can perform this miraculous signs if God were not with him. Who was Nicodemus? He was a member of the Jewish Ruling council, and what did he mean by saying "we know"? This means among the Pharisees some knew that Jesus was the Christ, but why did they reject him all the same? They were afraid of being thrown out of the synagogue. Now has Dr. Owuor not prophesied and it came to pass, didn't he prophesy the blood shed in Kenya, didn't he prophesy the typhoon in Philippines, didn't he prophesy the Mexican floods, the Haiti earthquakes and the Tsunami that hit Asia. All these prophesies are broadcasted in Jesus is Lord Radio, nobody listens, neither do they take him serious. But they are loud to call him a false prophet.
Another question I have for our media, in the meeting in Eldoret, there were testimonies that HIV AIDS was healed and medical tests carried out. If actually the media is doubting all this miracles, I think it was on live television, why don't the media verify the authenticity of this miracles instead you concentrate on washing of the streets, motorcade and titles. Why can't the media follow up on the HIV status of those who testify and affirm the miracles that God does? Why? Instead they are obsessed with demonizing a servant of God calling him all sorts of name. The mystery of HIV being healed is not taken serious, no media house wants to bring this truths to light, but here they are broadcasting trivial issues on how streets were cleaned and how business came to a stand still in Nakuru Town because of Prophet Owuor. Who bewitched you people?
Am not comparing the prophet with Christ, he is the servant of Christ and Jesus is his master. That we can take to the bank. For the great multitude who are throwing insults, i guess they haven't heard his teachings. I will tell you, go and find on youtube the following teachings by this man Dr. Owuor, "the kingly diet", "the highway of holiness", "the wood", "walking with God" "my people" "the midnight hour" when all is said and done, it is up to you to continue cursing yourself or receive spiritual discernment. the ball is in your court.
By the way, I forgot to tell you that cursed is a mouth that insults the prophet of the lord. Now who chooses the prophets of God, is it God or Man? Who told you prophets are chosen from popular opinion, like the way we choose our presidents? If Jesse was given an opportunity to choose among his sons, a king for Israel, where could David be? He could definitely be rotting in the wilderness. So your opinion doesn't make somebody a false prophet, only God knows those he has anointed and your negative opinion doesn't change that position. So be careful, let your opinion be in tandem with God's opinion. Do not judge, for you too will be judged, if you are not sure of whether somebody is false or not or if I should put it, if your spiritual discernment is limited, better avoid such discussions. This goes also for the doubting Thomas, for pointing fingers at the Anointed of the Lord, I tell you the consequences are dire.
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