Winston Spencer Churchill was the last person the Britons could think of, to lead them to war against the fast rising Hilter of Germany. The threat of hilter infringing the sovereignty of other nations was apparent. Inasmuch as the world knows hitler as history's worst dictator or a saddist for that matter, there's one thing that we do not appreciate about hitler. Hitler, was a leader, a resounding leader, a charismatic leader who talked to the hearts of the Germans. Hitler goes in record as a non-germany who led germany charismatically and almost made the whole nation believe he was their messiah. In fact before his rise to power, previous governments restricted him from talking in public places, not like he incited people, but because he convinced people and sold his opinion and ideology massively.
Very few in history can match the charisma Hitler manifested in his leadership. Very few world leaders have been able to rally behind themselves a whole nation like Hitler did. Nelson Mandela for instance and Mahathma Gandhi of India. Other world leaders however much the contributions they have made to their nations still remain just but a piece of politicians, struggling to convince their masses to support their course. In Kenya for instance, charismatic people like Tom Mboya attracted love and hate in equal measures. Raila Odinga has got passionate lovers and passionate haters in equal measures. The reigning love child, Uhuru Kenyatta, has got lovers and haters in equal measures, even Obama being among the most powerful faces in the international politics cannot set foot in some of the world's destination. Americans love him, but they hate in equal measures.
Back to my point, Winston Churchill was not a very good orator compared to the likes of Martin Lutherking, JF Kennedy, and Macus Garvey. He was not. His political muscles were wanting if not weak. But he knew one thing, he knew the fears of the britons, their disillusioned soul, he knew that Britons needed a captain to shield them against the aggressing Hitler. This was their fear and whoever could do this was their greatest friend. Him being a combatant and having struggled through a political life-cycle had an opportunity to serve his country at the highest office. He made the world famous maiden speech, tears, blood, sweat and toil.
I really agree totally with what churchill told Britons, that he had nothing to offer them only blood, sweat, tears and toil. That is what he stood for, and there's another thing he didn't mention, he offered them greed too. Having a history in the military and travelling to world destinations like south Africa and even escaping from custody gave him leverage over Hitler. Churchill smarshed Hitler, why lie. The shame of the loss made Hitler not to go for another day of breathing. But again if Hitler was a villain then churchill was also a villain. To affirm victory over the germany territory, Churchill bombed a germany refuge camp that housed over 500,000 peace loving harmless and helpless germans. He was ruthless and heartless.
Churchill ordered the British troops to come to Kenya to massacre our men and women in the pretence of a crackdown on Mau mau. Churchill refused to aid dying Indians who were dying of hunger and Famine. His reason being, Mahathma Gandhi being a dedicated spiritualist who fasted for even more than 7 days was not yet dead. This to churchill implied that the hunger was not serious since Gandhi was still alive. Again this resulted to over five million Indians and Parkistans dying.
Just as Hitler, Churchill was a villain, he was a saddist, heartless, ruthless and mean. But Ironically, Germans acknowledge the atrocities of Hitler, Britons only acknowledge the victories of Winston. Infact he is celebrated as the greatest Briton of all time. This greatest Briton massacred our men and women in Kiambu, this greatest Briton massacred over 500,000 innocent german refugees, this greatest briton watched as millions of Indians died while the remedy was in his right hand. Sir Winston Spencer Churchill did good to write the chronicles of his times with blood on human flesh.
#word, the prism through which we perceive leadership has got an endless wide spectrum. Britons love Churchill, not that he was good, the world hates Hitler, not that he was totally bad, the world loves Obama not that he is that good, the world may hate Puttni, not that he is bad but because they think he is bad. #lesson, love Raila Odinga and Love Uhuru Kenyatta, both of them are good. Hate Raila Odinga and Hate Uhuru Kenyatta, both of them are bad
Friday, 25 July 2014
Wednesday, 23 July 2014
Chatty chatty mouth
Yesterday while I was getting back home in the evening, just as usual I booked a matatu at the sarit center round-about. I was lucky the rates were still normal because quite oftenly the touts take advantage of us having no other alternative. That is not the point, I happened to sit next to a young flamboyant lawyer, not sure if he was actually a lawyer, but judging from the conversation I was keenly following, I could tell the young man was an intern in one of the leading audit firms in town.
At first, he looked sober, composed and collected. I could tell his suit was either one week old and most probably sourced from one of the upmarket stores in town. The boy was elegantly fitting in a red tie with short hair, shiny shoes and you could tell he had a taste for perfumes. It was needless to say the guy looked corporate, because he dressed and smelt corporate. He sat on the far end of the 14 seater while I chose to sit next to the tout. I guess I did this to remind this tout to give me the bus fare balance because oftenly they pretend to forget. Purposely, such like risks I avoid them in due course. We sat in silence for about two or so minutes.
Then came two fly chic's, I guess that's how Nairobians describe red lipped, light skin & scantly dressed girls. Then again another bunch of fly chic's came in before the last two filled the back seats. We sat in silence perhaps being conscious of the gender forces that could be operating in this PSV. Lackly for this boy his collegemate came and sat at the front seat, just behind the driver seat. But at first he didn't recognize his friend. The car was now full and we were ready to take off. From the headcount, I could tell that there were almost eleven weaves and five Bald-heads the driver n the tout boy included.
There was total silence and seemingly nobody wanted any interruption of his/her peace. Personally, I love this scenario, I just had enough noise in the office, what do I need more noise for. Like it is always the norm with Nairobi touts, we started tithing and offering. The boy in front turned his head and realized his friend just seated right behind him. The greetings that followed were shaky and flowsy, somehow roudy and attension seeking. I could tell it has been a while since these two dudes have hanged out. Just as how warm we men we tend to become when we bump into one of our oldschool boys, the conversation that follows quite oftenly is comprehensive, we only try not to gossip.
Both boys were in a 5000 or so suit, of course you do not expect anybody boarding this vehicle to be in that 2500 suit from Eastleigh. I could see from the tone and the ascent that the two attended college most probably in the States. Of course I was wrong, it was Kenyans doing what they do best, faking. Given a chance I could fake my ascent better than this two chaps. Don't judge me, am just saying.The advent of the conversation came in fast and furious. My boy lost his cool, the corporate cool, which always guards reputations jealously.There's one thing I know about corporates, reputation is more paramount than character. This is another definition of hypocrisy.
As the conversations kicked, I listened keenly and so did everybody on board, I could tell from the silence. The seat could not hold him any more, he felt like now he could fly. He could not help but shout, he could not hold his hand any-more but throw the hands in the air like little weezy in a rap concert, at one point my nose was almost blown off. As if aware of the loud silence in the room and his conspicuous elegance, my boy raised his voice beyond the roof. My ears were busting and I mean literally.
The conversation was quite interesting. The two work in neighbouring institutions, both of which are international corporates. Within some few minutes I could tell the guy was earning 65,000 and his colleague 70,000. I could also tell that the guy clobbered a first class in law school. I could tell that the guy lives in a two bedroomed apartment in a lower kabete gated community. I could tell that the boy pays 25000 of monthly house rent. I could also tell that his designer suit was sourced from Sanhedrin at the nakumatt junction. Not like am this nosy, they made sure that each one of us are conciously carried along their conversation.
Can I say more, yes I will. I could tell that the boy flies to Mombasa weekly to hang out with his buddies. I could tell that the boy is single and has turned down hot chics who have come begging for dates. I could also tell the guy doesn't do Kenyan chic's, he prefers Britons over Americans. His latest designer suit was quoted 45,000 I could tell. Waauh, this boy was a fly dude right? His voice was raised to a level of beyond reasonable doubt that the fly creatures behind our backs were capturing every pronunciation of each word as it came. I can't remember all that I captured from this conversation but I also heard him mention that his weekends are fully booked up to December 2014. To this guy a range rover is an ambition of an average mediocre out there. He dreams flying choppers. Come on dude, uko na doo!
All this time I really wondered if we really deserved to be part of this conversation. Must we know how much you spend on your pants, how many clients you ve represented in a law suit. Must you tease women with how much you earn, and how hard is for any of them to afford you? Must we know how many naked pizzas you stomach in a week? Come on Nairobi, flowsing is a lifestyle I know but please, there's an audience for flowsers. Of course I didnt pretend to be listening, but I could not help but wonder how naughty we sometimes get. Nairobi women love money, that we can take to the bank man, but come on man, approach her silently and tell her, 'hey sweerie, I earn a million dollars from my company, and I would love to take you out", she surely will concept. Stop the broadcasting niggar.
My point is, sometimes we do more harm than good. At times we love it when we are just centres of attention, but in most cases, for the wrong reasons. At times we want to entice interests from certain quarters, however we attract the wrong interest. At times we go for a PR campaign, but it turns out it is a suicidal mission. Normally, my achievements and accomplishments are the affairs of my heart. I share them when need arises and when I think its appropriate. Ladies and Gentlemen, Public relations is not taught in class, but I guess you don't have to attend such a class before you know that certain conversations are to be shut up.
Thursday, 17 July 2014
Of women and bikinis
We are living in dangerous times, the times that saint Paul reffered to as the perilous time, where people will grow in wickedness, their love will grow cold, they will be disobedient and lovers of money and themselves. Sadly this people will have a form of godliness but reject the power of God. They will be the kind of people who say, we are living in a modern generation and God should learn to live with that. Hahaha! how funny do we sometimes get?
And these people will be hypocrites. They are the kinds of people who will see the speck in my eye but ignore the log in their own eyes. These are the same people who will compliment a half naked vera sidika on national television with 'ooh you look sexy' compliments but demonize Ruth matete with the same attire! They are the people who will admire Rihanna in a fully naked attire at the same time rebuke any other woman for wearing such attires. But the question is, what is the difference, between Vera sidika and Ruth Matete? What is the difference between Rihanna and any other woman who will want to emulate her wicked dressing? Why is this society turning out to be a double standard society? Are women not of the same anatomy? Or is Rihanna's anatomy up for public consumption unlike any other? Is Vera Sidika's flesh more righteous than any other woman? What is the measure of our morality? Which is the benchmark? Does this benchmark shift standards from individual to individual?
These people are reading this blog now. These people will rebuke a woman who will post her images on social media in bikinis in the comfort of her bedroom and massage another with same attire in the broadness of the sand beaches. These people, I do not understand them, do you? A bikini in the bedroom and a bikini in the sand beach, to me it is just a bikini. And again it remains a treasured attire, secret, private and confidential to the wearer and that other person with rights to touch it.This attire is a seal to the sovereign and treasured zones that should remain sealed until you in the comfort of your bedroom. Now, bikinis on facebook and twitter, is like Bikinis in the streets of Nairobi, there's no difference.
Come on who is fooling who? A bikini in the bedroom and a bikini in the beaches but both of which are posted on Facebook are different? That which was worn on the beach, does it cover a large circumference of the pelvic than that which was taken in the bedroom. On my Facebook wall I see so many of my female acquaintances posing in bikinis on sand beaches. The nakedness of this photos is quite revealing, the compliments that follow is what she really wanted. But am never amused neither am I surprised considering the role most ladies have embarked on in society nowadays; attention seeking. Today you will hate me, but get this point clearly, hoes love exposing the unexposable, don't be one.
I know somebody is asking how old fashion is this fool, doesn't he know that rihanna does the same or lupita nyongo. Oooh yes, rihanna does the same, does it make the wrong right? Absolutely not. If rihanna was to announce today that she was lesbian, will it make the act of lesbianism to be a righteous act? Absolutely not. You fool, why do you then think broadcasting your pelvic ozonals is fashionable. Who cares if you are in the beach or the swimming pool, who cares if everybody in the beach is in the same attire? A beach is a beach, and Facebook is a public street, and so are the other social media platform. If Bikinis are for the pool parties and sun busking in the beach, facebook or twitter is not a beach, it is a street, get that? It seems you just don't understand, do you?
If I were to ask you to walk with a bikini in the streets of Nairobi, I guess everybody will compliment you for being sexy right? You can imagine the reaction of the public, they will be like' wth with this chic, is she nuts'
Just like in the streets, so is Facebook, it is a public place not your bedroom. People desperate for comments and attention will go a mile higher to just get a comment, and sure enough the comments trickle in fast n furious. All this is hypocrisy and double standards of a society. Be kind to yourself and to your mother, if not, at least do this for your father, he might not die a raw analogue person! One day he might visit these social media streets and guess what he will bombard in that photo of you in a scarce bikini, just covering a very narrow element between your thighs! what a shame! Be advised
Thursday, 10 July 2014
Lets Value Life and Love
Reading the book of eccleciates about life and its reward, I kept wondering, why really is life so troublesome. And why do we struggle to make the ends meet? Why do we have people who are more equal than the others? What is the essence of a brainwashing education that leaves ignorant to contemporary issues? Why do we have the president and all this other bureaucratic institutions with very longs lines of command. Why do we need the army and the police? What was behind the reason for the fool who invented the gun? What about the buffoon who spearheaded fabrication of weapons of mass destruction?
life is precious just like christ is precious. That is why he is the light, the way and the truth. But come to think of it, you who kill a person with a gun, shall you not die and follow his soul into the soil. You who perpetrate violence and tribal war, do you not consider your brothers and sisters being victims of the same machinations. Religious, cultural and political indoctrinations notwithstanding, life remains precious. Our dissent regardless of the magnitude can never justify the loss of life.
Listen good people, tribal war and hate has taken centre stage in our nation. The social fabric has deteriorated into a consolidation of heterogeneous tribal blocs. Worse still the political class has perfected this doctrine of tribal patronage and has left the entire nation singing its tune. That should not surprise, considering the kind of generation we living in. The generation that saint Paul talks about, the perilous times that indicate the coming of Jesus. What surprise me though, is the calibre of people who are singing along this unfortunate turn of events. The elites, and I mean you and me who are taking part in this conversation.
Yes, its you am talking to. Don't look at your neighbour, it is you who can read and write, who can browse and have the ability to use this internet utility. You who is the cream of this society, the very admired member of the dotcom generation, the millenial generation, the flamboyant generation Y. The generation that has been tagged as owning less and sharing more. A generation that is at war with its senior silent generation. Its you am talking about, the very enlightened and informed generation. Why have you been manipulated by the political class. This political class does not belong to our generation. They belong to an older generation called the silent generation. This people unlike we, they would own what does not belong to them. They would fight for a promotion that they do not deserve. They are slow to think and to act sequentially. This is the generation that rules us and this is the generation that has stipulated the tribal machinations that we have helped perpetrate.
Shame on you. Yes you who is reading this. You are an elite and in your mind, you came to my blog and before reading you looked at my last name! Shame on! Before reading this blog you judged my faith! Shame on you! Yes am a luyha, a bukusu for that matter! I am proud of my roots! But most importantly am Kenyan! I love everybody! Our differences are natural, but to me this is trivial, we magnify our differences by the artificial mindset that the political class has injected in to our minds. I have all friends from all over parts of Kenya. 95% of my friends do not come from my tribe and I must say, I cannot Imagine life without these people. They are dear to me and they care about me and so do I. If only we crash this tribal prism from which we perceive issues then we can care for each other indiscriminately. I love Kenya and I love all the tribes in this land and I love life and I love leaving in a multicultural peaceful society. God bless Kenya
life is precious just like christ is precious. That is why he is the light, the way and the truth. But come to think of it, you who kill a person with a gun, shall you not die and follow his soul into the soil. You who perpetrate violence and tribal war, do you not consider your brothers and sisters being victims of the same machinations. Religious, cultural and political indoctrinations notwithstanding, life remains precious. Our dissent regardless of the magnitude can never justify the loss of life.
Listen good people, tribal war and hate has taken centre stage in our nation. The social fabric has deteriorated into a consolidation of heterogeneous tribal blocs. Worse still the political class has perfected this doctrine of tribal patronage and has left the entire nation singing its tune. That should not surprise, considering the kind of generation we living in. The generation that saint Paul talks about, the perilous times that indicate the coming of Jesus. What surprise me though, is the calibre of people who are singing along this unfortunate turn of events. The elites, and I mean you and me who are taking part in this conversation.
Yes, its you am talking to. Don't look at your neighbour, it is you who can read and write, who can browse and have the ability to use this internet utility. You who is the cream of this society, the very admired member of the dotcom generation, the millenial generation, the flamboyant generation Y. The generation that has been tagged as owning less and sharing more. A generation that is at war with its senior silent generation. Its you am talking about, the very enlightened and informed generation. Why have you been manipulated by the political class. This political class does not belong to our generation. They belong to an older generation called the silent generation. This people unlike we, they would own what does not belong to them. They would fight for a promotion that they do not deserve. They are slow to think and to act sequentially. This is the generation that rules us and this is the generation that has stipulated the tribal machinations that we have helped perpetrate.
Shame on you. Yes you who is reading this. You are an elite and in your mind, you came to my blog and before reading you looked at my last name! Shame on! Before reading this blog you judged my faith! Shame on you! Yes am a luyha, a bukusu for that matter! I am proud of my roots! But most importantly am Kenyan! I love everybody! Our differences are natural, but to me this is trivial, we magnify our differences by the artificial mindset that the political class has injected in to our minds. I have all friends from all over parts of Kenya. 95% of my friends do not come from my tribe and I must say, I cannot Imagine life without these people. They are dear to me and they care about me and so do I. If only we crash this tribal prism from which we perceive issues then we can care for each other indiscriminately. I love Kenya and I love all the tribes in this land and I love life and I love leaving in a multicultural peaceful society. God bless Kenya
Friday, 4 July 2014
The letter to Raila
I greet you Rt. Honourable Odinga, in the name of democracy. With a backdrop of a heightened political environment, am informed to write to you this letter enigma, to whisper a voice of reason in an atmosphere that is evidently empty of the same. Am a concerned Kenyan and better still a 'cord follower' like one griffin wasike popular chooses to call me. In the recent past I have suffered a lot of interrogation by most of my contemporaries on the motives behind this rising political cloud one year after a very competitive election. To be sincere, I have always tried my best to defend you, even in the event your actions were indefensible. This time round, Rt. Honourable, I have been unable to justify your motives behind this rally, however, much I have tried to.
This is the reason why I chose to write this letter to you, your honour. I want to go and say to them what you told me, I want to have an answer to give to this curious and worried faces. I want to take an answer to this cynics and wet blankets who believe democracy in kenya is a sour seed. I would love if at the end of our conversation I can convince one sceptical Kenyan, that indeed we need these rallies and we need them desperately. Your honour, I want the truth to come out, and I would want to tell them that your great struggle for freedom and open democracy has not been overtaken by selfish interests and pursuits. Your honour, make me understand why you are doing this rallies.
My last letter I did to the president. He is a small boy compared to you, in your own father's words jaramogi called it the 'political novices'. Your honour, just before you wrote him a letter I had just delivered mine. I don't know, but I think, the reason why he did not reply yours, is because he was writing a reply to me. Your letter found him when he had already been overtaken by events. Do not blame him, he is a busy man, you know what it takes to be a president right? But most importantly, in my letter to the president, I made my self clear, that I was your supporter and like he did, I expected him to address my concerns impartially. Today, I will let you know, that I have been your supporter, and I am still. Address me like you would have addressed a crowd in Kisumu or Kibera or Mombasa.
Your honour, Just like my buddies, I do not support this rally thing, and I don't like it mahn. This thing called SabaSaba, whatever it means, I also do not like it man. However, I support the call for the national dialogue, although some of your demands are raising questions on the aptitude level of your think-tank. Come on man, we need this dialogue and we really need it desperately. But why the rallies, why pressure government, and by the way what do you mean by pressure, does it mean the government will be forced to concede for the dialogue when blood is shed. We ve seen political activities already, even before you jetted in from America, but the government has not yet conceded to your political activities yet. what now about saba saba? what will be different on this occasion for the government to concede, will it be bloodshed? or demolition and destruction of property? Honourable make me understand, because in Kenya we are used to rallies and many of which are spearheaded by the opposition, what will be so different about this thing called Saba Saba! for the government to concede then.
I must salute you for the struggle to establish better governance for the Kenyan people. I salute you for the second liberation of this nation, from single party tyranny into a more spacious democratic arena. Honourable I salute you for fearlessly fighting against the oppressive Nyayo regime, and I also salute you for the recent reforms with regard to the constitutional dispensation. I salute you for being the voice of the marginalised, the hopeless and the left outs. I salute you honourable, for being the undisputed father of democracy in this land, I cant say more, this far we have come, democratically your hand is so conspicuous. But what now, do we need to shed another blood to drive sense to the two novices in the house on the hill.
Come on man, we know they have not been up-to the task so far, but do we all have to pay for the price of their incompetency. Not really. The speculations of political turmoil will of course culminate in an ungovernable nation but more profound consequences are within the details. The private sector fraternity has already raised the red flag and the financial markets will follow suit. Business activities of course will come to a halt and our economy will suffer a big setback. If the worst come then some miserable hassler will have to shed blood out of the demonstrations leaving a disgruntled family behind, there will be ethnic mobilization that will result into tribal clashes! Rt. Honourable, is it your joy that even me I should go through this, come on man!
Do not be insensitive, do not be immune to the suffering of a common mwananchi like me. Remember this Rt. Honourable, kenya belongs to all of us, we are equal citizens and just like yours, my opinion counts as much. Please stop this madness called Saba Saba! Can we address issues of national importance holistically without any political bickering. Your young brother in state house is a man who listens, talk to him and let us reason together. Please abeg oooh!
This is the reason why I chose to write this letter to you, your honour. I want to go and say to them what you told me, I want to have an answer to give to this curious and worried faces. I want to take an answer to this cynics and wet blankets who believe democracy in kenya is a sour seed. I would love if at the end of our conversation I can convince one sceptical Kenyan, that indeed we need these rallies and we need them desperately. Your honour, I want the truth to come out, and I would want to tell them that your great struggle for freedom and open democracy has not been overtaken by selfish interests and pursuits. Your honour, make me understand why you are doing this rallies.
My last letter I did to the president. He is a small boy compared to you, in your own father's words jaramogi called it the 'political novices'. Your honour, just before you wrote him a letter I had just delivered mine. I don't know, but I think, the reason why he did not reply yours, is because he was writing a reply to me. Your letter found him when he had already been overtaken by events. Do not blame him, he is a busy man, you know what it takes to be a president right? But most importantly, in my letter to the president, I made my self clear, that I was your supporter and like he did, I expected him to address my concerns impartially. Today, I will let you know, that I have been your supporter, and I am still. Address me like you would have addressed a crowd in Kisumu or Kibera or Mombasa.
Your honour, Just like my buddies, I do not support this rally thing, and I don't like it mahn. This thing called SabaSaba, whatever it means, I also do not like it man. However, I support the call for the national dialogue, although some of your demands are raising questions on the aptitude level of your think-tank. Come on man, we need this dialogue and we really need it desperately. But why the rallies, why pressure government, and by the way what do you mean by pressure, does it mean the government will be forced to concede for the dialogue when blood is shed. We ve seen political activities already, even before you jetted in from America, but the government has not yet conceded to your political activities yet. what now about saba saba? what will be different on this occasion for the government to concede, will it be bloodshed? or demolition and destruction of property? Honourable make me understand, because in Kenya we are used to rallies and many of which are spearheaded by the opposition, what will be so different about this thing called Saba Saba! for the government to concede then.
I must salute you for the struggle to establish better governance for the Kenyan people. I salute you for the second liberation of this nation, from single party tyranny into a more spacious democratic arena. Honourable I salute you for fearlessly fighting against the oppressive Nyayo regime, and I also salute you for the recent reforms with regard to the constitutional dispensation. I salute you for being the voice of the marginalised, the hopeless and the left outs. I salute you honourable, for being the undisputed father of democracy in this land, I cant say more, this far we have come, democratically your hand is so conspicuous. But what now, do we need to shed another blood to drive sense to the two novices in the house on the hill.
Come on man, we know they have not been up-to the task so far, but do we all have to pay for the price of their incompetency. Not really. The speculations of political turmoil will of course culminate in an ungovernable nation but more profound consequences are within the details. The private sector fraternity has already raised the red flag and the financial markets will follow suit. Business activities of course will come to a halt and our economy will suffer a big setback. If the worst come then some miserable hassler will have to shed blood out of the demonstrations leaving a disgruntled family behind, there will be ethnic mobilization that will result into tribal clashes! Rt. Honourable, is it your joy that even me I should go through this, come on man!
Do not be insensitive, do not be immune to the suffering of a common mwananchi like me. Remember this Rt. Honourable, kenya belongs to all of us, we are equal citizens and just like yours, my opinion counts as much. Please stop this madness called Saba Saba! Can we address issues of national importance holistically without any political bickering. Your young brother in state house is a man who listens, talk to him and let us reason together. Please abeg oooh!
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