Friday, 25 July 2014

Winston Churchill and the Likes

Winston Spencer Churchill was the last person the Britons could think of, to lead them to war against the fast rising Hilter of Germany. The threat of hilter infringing the sovereignty of other nations was apparent. Inasmuch as the world knows hitler as history's worst dictator or a saddist for that matter, there's one thing that we do not appreciate about hitler. Hitler, was a leader, a resounding leader, a charismatic leader who talked to the hearts of the Germans. Hitler goes in record as a non-germany who led germany charismatically and almost made the whole nation believe he was their messiah. In fact before his rise to power, previous governments restricted him from talking in public places, not like he incited people, but because he convinced people and sold his opinion and ideology massively.

Very few in history can match the charisma Hitler manifested in his leadership. Very few world leaders have been able to rally behind themselves a whole nation like Hitler did. Nelson Mandela for instance and Mahathma Gandhi of India. Other world leaders however much the contributions they have made to their nations still remain just but a piece of politicians, struggling to convince their masses to support their course. In Kenya for instance, charismatic people like Tom Mboya attracted love and hate in equal measures. Raila Odinga has got passionate lovers and passionate haters in equal measures. The reigning love child, Uhuru Kenyatta, has got lovers and haters in equal measures, even Obama being among the most powerful faces in the international politics cannot set foot in some of the world's destination. Americans love him, but they hate in equal measures.

Back to my point, Winston Churchill was not a very good orator compared to the likes of Martin Lutherking, JF Kennedy, and Macus Garvey. He was not. His political muscles were wanting if not weak. But he knew one thing, he knew the fears of the britons, their disillusioned soul, he knew that Britons needed a captain to shield them against the aggressing Hitler. This was their fear and whoever could do this was their greatest friend. Him being a combatant and having struggled through a political life-cycle had an opportunity to serve his country at the highest office. He made the world famous maiden speech, tears, blood, sweat and toil.

I really agree totally with what churchill told Britons, that he had nothing to offer them only blood, sweat, tears and toil. That is what he stood for, and there's another thing he didn't mention, he offered them greed too. Having a history in the military and travelling to world destinations like south Africa and even escaping from custody gave him leverage over Hitler. Churchill smarshed Hitler, why lie. The shame of the loss made Hitler not to go for another day of breathing. But again if Hitler was a villain then churchill was also a villain. To affirm victory over the germany territory, Churchill bombed a germany refuge camp that housed over 500,000 peace loving harmless and helpless germans. He was ruthless and heartless.

Churchill ordered the British troops to come to Kenya to massacre our men and women in the pretence of a crackdown on Mau mau. Churchill refused to aid dying Indians who were dying of hunger and Famine. His reason being, Mahathma Gandhi being a dedicated spiritualist who fasted for even more than 7 days was not yet dead. This to churchill implied that the hunger was not serious since Gandhi was still alive. Again this resulted to over five million Indians and Parkistans dying.

Just as Hitler, Churchill was a villain, he was a saddist, heartless, ruthless and mean. But Ironically, Germans acknowledge the atrocities of Hitler, Britons only acknowledge the victories of Winston. Infact he is celebrated as the greatest Briton of all time. This greatest Briton massacred our men and women in Kiambu, this greatest Briton massacred over 500,000 innocent german refugees, this greatest briton watched as millions of Indians died while the remedy was in his right hand. Sir Winston Spencer Churchill did good to write the chronicles of his times with blood on human flesh.

#word, the prism through which we perceive leadership has got an endless wide spectrum. Britons love Churchill, not that he was good, the world hates Hitler, not that he was totally bad, the world loves Obama not that he is that good, the world may hate Puttni, not that he is bad but because they think he is bad. #lesson, love Raila Odinga and Love Uhuru Kenyatta, both of them are good. Hate Raila Odinga and Hate Uhuru Kenyatta, both of them are bad

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