Monday 26 August 2013

The mind is the greatest asset

The academic journey might sometimes be frustrating and unrewarding. For sometimes i have been thinking about what if i had to take an initiative earlier in my life to invest in my future materially besides academically. Maybe the world by then was all academics and all employment. i do not regret my academic en-devours, its quite an achievement. But now push has come to shove, and am no longer a subject of indecision. recently i visited my cousin running a consultancy firm and we shared a word or two.
the world is changing and the beauty of the future is for those who are zealous in chasing the beauty of their dreams. Personally I would be so happy to get a well paying job, but at the same time i will regret for taking up the job for the opportunity cost i will be paying will be quite a fortune. my cousin Patrick told me to believe in the intelligence of my mind. " the reason why you went to the business school is not to help other people create wealth" he said, "you must never succumb to failure, believe in yourself and decide what you really want to do with your life." not that i have experienced any failure but as a matter of fact any good course that leads to glory is full of obstacles and hurdles, and sometimes total failure is a normal confrontation.
"If you believe you are intelligent, then never give up, use your mind to invest in your future, do not succumb to fate," he continued. Am happy to know that at such like a time, such words could refresh my anticipation. Finding a job is quite a task, and paying rent is another painful expenditure. I know my friend, we might be hitting the streets at the same time and you might be traumatized by your joblessness. This is my word to you, believe in your mind, think about what really you want to do, let not fate scare you but pray hard for prayer will unlock the closed doors and will open heaven on your shoulders. shalom

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